The Golden Idea

clare paint golden hour yellow ceiling paint interior design trends

What are your Golden Ideas for your home? As we see another year of minimalist decor dominate, I find myself craving decor that tells me a story about the person who inhabits the home. What they love, where they’ve been, what makes them tick, the thing that makes them shine. Something like the Golden Hour, but for their Golden Ideas.

My apartment is still in progress…

I have been indulging in the unfolding of it all. The highlight of my days are my kitchen ceiling. I wake up, walk to my coffee ninja to make a cup of coffee and sit at my kitchen island taking in the quiet of the morning before my first meeting of the day. I tip-toe around my apartment as quietly as possible to keep my (grouchy) 15 year old Maltese from waking up . I look up, I smile inside. Painting my ceiling in Clare Paint’s Golden Hour was an idea that came to me like lightning while I was on the phone with my mother some time in the fall.

I underestimated the toll this paint job would take on my feet and back, but I pushed through. It was so worth it.

The 10 light sputnik fixture was a much deliberated choice that I invited my instagram friends to weigh in on, as well as my super opinionated mommy. She suggested a fixture for $500; I think she forgets that I’m Pre-Rich, not Rich-Rich. She also sent me a Picasso reproduction because I’m really burning to venture on a “good art” journey. I’d like to have more of a collector’s approach to the art in my space, I really need it to mean something rather than prints that simply fit the color palette. I need art that I can take into my future forever home, that I can have the sophisticated adult dinner party of my dreams, and tell my friends about how I acquired it over glasses of wine. Acquired, ok?!

I’m taking time to play around in my kitchen on the styling, the colors of florals that will go best with my Golden Hour ceiling. If you look closely in some of these photos, you might notice something that isn’t like the others. If you don’t see it, don’t fret; I’ll have an update on that soon enough. You might also notice that my Maltese stole the show with his grouchy little face, oblivious to what was happening, just wanting to be close.

Peek at the second entryway wallpaper choice via my instagram stories @joneesaisquoi

Photos by Mariah Cesena.


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